{Disarmed} The Ted Lasso series centers the latest internet conspiracy theory: is this actor real or CGI?

The 'Ted Lasso' series centers the latest internet conspiracy theory: is this actor real or CGI?

That computer-generated graphics are reaching levels of hyper-real naturalism is something that no one escapes: you just have to look at video games that have reached the creative ceiling in that regard, such as ' The Last of Us 2 ', to to realize that we have exciting years ahead of us in the search for the total delusion of perception and the ultimate overcoming of the Uncanny Valley. Or perhaps it has already been achieved?

That is what the latest conspiracy born in the Reddit forums claims, which ensures that Roy Kent, one of the main characters of the Apple TV + series 'Ted Lasso', is actually an artificial creation using CGI . In fact, on Reddit they have been speculating on the subject for eleven months , but a tweet on the subject picking up some of the best moments of the conversation has made half Twitter scratch its head with a gesture of astonishment.

The creators of Lola Flores' 'deepfake' speak: "Despite using Artificial Intelligence, it was a fairly artisanal process" In xiaomist.com The creators of Lola Flores' 'deepfake' speak: "Despite using Artificial Intelligence, it was a fairly artisanal process"

Possible proofs that actor Brett Goldstein is actually an artificial creation include the absolutely regular facial hair, almost mathematically spread over the entire face, and the slightly disproportionate head , more voluminous than usual. The fact that the theme of the series is football and the protagonist himself is a player of that sport makes the joke that relates Goldstein to a character from the 'FIFA' saga is practically done.

{"videoId":"x824ezh","autoplay":false,"title":"Ted Lasso | Tráiler en ESPAÑOL de la temporada 2"}

Conspiracy and goal

Also the theorists of this delusional idea speak of the robotic way with which Goldstein seems to declaim his lines, and of the strange lighting that surrounds all his scenes, unusually flat and excessively bright. It's certainly not exactly the evidence that would be accepted in court, but for Reddit and Twitter it's more than enough.

Interestingly, this end of summer is giving us a few samples of very peculiar spoofing of identities of real people with computer-generated doubles . Bruce Willis, for example, was officially replaced by a deepfake image in a commercial for which he only had to assign his image rights; and Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, underwent a similar replacement process for demonstration purposes.

What is clear is that, half-seriously, half-jokingly, the possibility that Goldstein is not flesh and blood, but a virtual image, is excellent evidence that there is something about computer-created clones of real people that us restless and worried. Everything will be fine as long as we continue to realize it, this curious Reddit conversation seems to say, an indisputable sign of the times.

The news The 'Ted Lasso' series centers the latest internet conspiracy theory: is this actor real or CGI? was originally published in xiaomist.com by John Tones .

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  1. Appreciation is a wonderful thing...thanks for sharing kepp it up.Process Lasso Pro


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