{Disarmed} Google Pixel 6 Pro gets a 120 Hz LTPO display

Google Pixel 6 Pro Silver

There is new information on the upcoming Pixel 6 Pro from Google. Now that the advertising for the two models has started, there is more and more information about the equipment of the devices. Now again to the display of the Pixel 6 Pro.

Ross Young, CEO of Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC), says he has "confirmed" that the upcoming Pixel 6 Pro will feature an LTPO OLED display that will offer a variable refresh rate of 120 Hz.

Google had already confirmed that the Pixel 6 Pro will have a QHD + 120 Hz display. But whether it will support a variable refresh rate or not, Google didn't say that at the time. It is also expected that the 120 Hz will work with the full 1440p resolution.

It remains to be seen whether the Google Pixel 6 Pro can also lower its refresh rate to 1 Hz with the help of a user-defined controller or whether the refresh rate can now be reduced to 60 Hz, 30 Hz or 10 Hz.


The post Google Pixel 6 Pro gets 120 Hz LTPO display first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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