Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones, this is how Xiaomi s new high-end headphones are

Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones , that's the name of the new wireless headphones that Xiaomi that we will soon see make its official debut but of which we already know not only its first characteristics, but also its design in general.

Under the model number M2103E1 , the Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones have been certified in the Wireless Power Consortium as TWS headphones , that is, wireless operation via Bluetooth connection, probably Bluetooth 5.2 .

But beware, it is not just a certification without more. His time at the Wireless Power Consortium lets us see its design, these being very similar to Apple's AirPods Pro and therefore, of the in-ear type through the use of pads to achieve greater isolation from the outside and of course, a better hold.

Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones, some of its main features

Although not all its characteristics have been revealed with this new certification, the Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones reveal a Qi wireless charging system , as well as an LED indicator on the outside of its charging case that will allow us to know the level of battery of these.

Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones, los nuevos auriculares inalámbricos de Xiaomi ya han sido certificados. Noticias Xiaomi A
Certification of the Xiaomi Mi Wireless Earphones

Beyond that, everything remains a mystery, although we are probably facing Xiaomi's highest-end wireless headphones , which could also make their debut outside of China in the coming days or at the latest, in the coming weeks.

The entry Xiaomi Mi Wirelesss Earphones, this is how Xiaomi's new high-end headphones are, was first published on xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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