The new Redmi AirDots 3 Pro are here: the greatest evolution in all its history

Xiaomi has officially presented its new Redmi AirDots 3 Pro , wireless headphones with active noise cancellation and wireless charging , which become the option with the best quality / price ratio in practically the entire market.

In detail, the new Redmi AirDots 3 Pro headphones have 9mm dynamic drivers , thus providing great sound quality. In combination, Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity is added, which will not only improve the experience, but also guarantee a minimum latency of 69ms .

But there is not everything, these new wireless headphones add an active noise cancellation system, thus reducing ambient noise by up to 35dB . This is achieved thanks to the 3 microphones that each earphone adds.

Los nuevos Redmi AirDots 3 Pro ya están aquí: la mayor evolución en toda su historia. Noticias Xiaomi A

As far as autonomy is concerned, the Redmi AirDots 3 Pro are capable of offering up to 6 hours of battery life with a single charge . Likewise, thanks to its charging case, which also supports wireless charging , its autonomy goes up to 28 hours.

Los nuevos Redmi AirDots 3 Pro ya están aquí: la mayor evolución en toda su historia. Noticias Xiaomi A

Beyond that, these new Xiaomi wireless headphones feature full MIUI integration . In addition, each headset has been redesigned, thus having perfect ergonomics and a weight of only 4.9 grams .

Price and availability of the Redmi AirDots 3 Pro

The Redmi AirDots 3 Pro will be marketed from tomorrow, for now, only in China. Its price will be 299 yuan, about 38 euros at the change and it is very likely that they will end up reaching the international market in the coming months.

The entry The new Redmi AirDots 3 Pro are here: the greatest evolution in all its history was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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