After its first appearance, the renders of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra arrive in high quality

Although today we woke up with the first images of the impressive Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra , now we have the first render of its design, allowing us to see in high quality what its spectacular camera with built-in mini screen would look like.

The person in charge of making this new render of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra a reality has been Ben Geskin , previously known for getting the design of the Xiaomi Mi 11 right , as well as with other terminals. In it we are shown, as if it were an official image , what the back of this mysterious flagship would look like.

As we can see below, this new render shows us the usefulness of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra's secondary screen , serving as expected to obtain a better perspective of selfies photos taken with the device's main camera.

Tras su primera aparición llegan los renders del Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra en alta calidad. Noticias Xiaomi A

Unofficial rendering of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra.

In addition, the two main photographic objectives are highlighted, these being quite considerable dimensions and probably providing exceptional quality in order to place the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra as one of the best smartphones in this section.

In short, a new approach to this mysterious smartphone that for now Xiaomi has not wanted to mention a single word . We will see if it is finally real, if it reaches our market and how much it will take to get it.

Source | Twitter

The entry After its first appearance, the renders of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra arrive in high quality, it was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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