These colored pens are from Xiaomi and promise to last longer than you imagine

Among the wide variety of products that Xiaomi has, we find its set of colored pens . These are sold in a kit of 5 pens, promising durability and gel-like writing without smudging.

For just 4 euros , the price at which we can buy them on AliExpress , these colored pens offer great writing quality. For this, each pen has a balanced weight of only 8.6 grams that makes it very comfortable to use.

All this is combined with an ultra-fine tip that allows fast and precise writing thanks to a 0.5mm stroke. In this way, these Xiaomi colored pens become the ideal complement for students or to highlight important office documents.

Estos bolígrafos de colores son de Xiaomi y prometen durar más de lo que imaginas. Noticias Xiaomi A

But the best is still to come. According to Xiaomi, this kit of five colored pens guarantees great durability . In itself, it is estimated that its durability is compared to up to 5 times more than other pens of this type.

Estos bolígrafos de colores son de Xiaomi y prometen durar más de lo que imaginas. Noticias Xiaomi A

As we said, this kit is sold on AliExpress and includes a total of 5 pens in orange , yellow , green , blue and purple . An ideal complement for all those who work with documents, for students or simply to have at home and highlight our writings.

The entry These colored pens are from Xiaomi and promise to last longer than you imagine was first published on xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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