This is the new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro: support 8K, HDMI 2.1 and 16GB of storage

Although a few weeks ago we knew the Xiaomi Mi Box 4S , today the new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro has been launched without prior notice as an alternative with greater capacity and support for the latest technologies on the market.

In detail, this new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro has the same design as its younger brother, thus equating its dimensions to a reduced 95x95x16mm . In addition, its weight remains the same, about 145 grams provided by its structure made of ABS plastic.

As a novelty, this new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro supports 8K video decoding , also adding an HDMI 2.1 connector and greater storage that goes up to 16GB . Of course, its RAM memory remains at 2GB.

Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro, a small update from the previous version

This is the new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro: support 8K, HDMI 2.1 and 16GB. News Xiaomi

Beyond that, the characteristics of the new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro are the same as those of its lower version, Bluetooth 4.1 , dual-band WiFi , Dolby Audio and DTS-HD support and a USB port to which we can connect storage units external.

This is the new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro: support 8K, HDMI 2.1 and 16GB. News Xiaomi

Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro.

In addition, the Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro includes a new control in white that has voice control thanks to its integrated microphone. All this is completed with a system based on Android TV called " MIUI for TV ".

Of course, its price is slightly increased. Starting tomorrow, this new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro can be purchased for 399 yuan, about x euros to change from China. Days later, it is very likely that we will end up seeing it on AliExpress and other similar platforms.

The entry This is the new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S Pro: support 8K, HDMI 2.1 and 16GB of storage was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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