Xiaomi improves the dark mode of MIUI 12 with a new organization of its settings

Although MIUI 12 has been on the market for some time, Xiaomi continues to pamper its layer of customization. This time it does so by improving its dark mode with new options that expand its level of customization.

In detail, these new settings come to the closed beta of MIUI 12, expanding the customization options and showing in a more intuitive and clear way part of the settings that we already found in MIUI.

From now on, within the MIUI 12 dark mode settings we will find the following options:

Xiaomi improves MIUI 12's dark mode with new customization options. News Xiaomi Xiaomi improves MIUI 12's dark mode with new customization options. News Xiaomi
  • Brightness control
  • Reading mode
  • Activating anti-flicker mode
  • Color scheme customization options
  • Font customization

With this Xiaomi demonstrates once again its attempts to make the MIUI 12 settings more accessible and clear , in turn achieving a more enjoyable learning curve in order to understand where each option is.

At the moment these new settings are only available in the closed beta of the MIUI China ROM so they will first have to appear in the stable version of the China ROM and later see if they finally end up reaching the global version.


The entry Xiaomi improves the dark mode of MIUI 12 with a new organization of its settings was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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