This is the Amazfit Bip U, a good, beautiful and apparently very cheap smartwatch

After presenting the new Amazfit GTS 2 and GTR 2 , the new Amazfit Bip U has appeared on the net, by way of filtration, becoming the cheapest smartwatch of Xiaomi's commercial partner but still, integrating the most complete features.

And, despite wanting to position itself as one of the cheapest "Amazfit Bip" we've seen, the Amazfit Bip U seems to have quite interesting features starting with its 1.43-inch full color screen .

This adds a resolution of 302 × 302 pixels and makes the entire smartwatch reach a light 31 grams as a whole, making it ideal for sports activities. In addition, this time we find several colors beyond black, such as pale pink and coral green .

Amazfit Bip U, blood oxygen monitor and up to 9 days of autonomy

This is the Amazfit Bip U, a good, beautiful smartwatch, but above all, cheap. News Xiaomi

Beyond what is seen, the Amazfit Bip U of which an official presentation is still awaited, will have a blood oxygen monitor (SpO2), recognition of more than 60 sports activities and of course, sleep and stress monitoring.

This is the Amazfit Bip U, a good, beautiful smartwatch, but above all, cheap. News Xiaomi

Likewise, inside it adds a 225mAh battery capable of offering a range of up to 9 days of continuous use. Other features include water resistance (5ATM), Bluetooth 5.0 and an advanced PPG optical sensor for heart rate monitoring.

At the moment it is unknown what the official price of this new Amazfit Bip U will be, although everything indicates that it will be really cheap , thus positioning itself as the cheapest of Xiaomi's business partner, Huami. Its presentation is expected by the end of the month or at the latest, throughout November.

The entry This is the Amazfit Bip U, a good, beautiful and apparently very cheap smartwatch was first published on XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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