The new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S makes its debut adding these three novelties

After being announced yesterday, Xiaomi has put its new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S on sale in China, a new TV Box that as a novelty to the previous generation adds three interesting features making it even more advanced.

In detail, the Xiaomi Mi Box 4S maintains the design of its previous generation, with a size of 95x95x16mm manufactured in an ABS plastic structure that gives it a total weight of 145 grams .

In addition, inside it adds the same 64-bit Amlogic Cortex A53 processor that we found in the Xiaomi Mi Box 4, accompanied in turn by 2GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage . This is complemented by an HDMI 2.0, a USB 2.0 and 3.5mm AV connector.

Main differences of the Xiaomi Mi Box 4s compared to the Mi Box 4

The new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S makes its debut adding three new features. News Xiaomi

The main differences between the Xiaomi Mi Box 4S and the previous Mi Box 4 are found in their connectivity. Now, this new generation adds WiFi AC technology, thus allowing connection to 5GHz networks, in addition to 2.4GHz.

The new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S makes its debut adding three new features. News Xiaomi

Likewise, while the previous model added Bluetooth 4.1 BLE, this new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S is updated to the Bluetooth 4.2 BLE version, thereby improving connectivity and energy consumption.

Beyond this, the third novelty of this new TV Box is found in its remote control. Now it also adds a specialized button so that we can control the system through voice commands .

Everything else remains the same, same 4K HDR resolution , an operating system based on Android 6.0 and numerous possibilities that make it part of the most recommended multimedia centers of the moment.

Price and availability

The price of this new Xiaomi Mi TV Box 4S is 299 yuan, about 38 euros to change. At the moment it is only sold in China although it is very likely that we will see it for sale on AliExpress shortly.

The entry The new Xiaomi Mi Box 4S makes its debut adding these three novelties was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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