Huawei teases Kirin 9000

Huawei has now published a teaser that is supposed to teaser the new Kirin 9000 from HiSilicon. The new flagship SoC should be introduced soon.

If everything had gone according to plan, the Kirin 9000 would have long since been introduced as the first 5 nm SoC. The release was planned for IFA 2020 in early September, but the US sanctions are making Huawei difficult.

But now it should be ready in a few days. Because the Huawei Mate 40 series will be presented in October. And that's where the Kirin 9000 is said to be installed. But only in the flagship Mate 40 Pro.

Huawei did not get enough processors from TSMC , these must of course be installed carefully. Therefore, only the flagship of the series should get the flagship SoC.

An international market launch of the Huawei Mate 40 series, if it is also released outside of China, is only planned for the beginning of 2021 .

Kirin 9000 Teaser
Kirin 9000 teaser (Source: Huawei)

Huawei Central

The post Huawei teasers Kirin 9000 appeared first on Xiaomist .


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