Apple shows the new iPhone 12 on ...

It is official! Apple has now officially announced the date for the presentation of the new iPhone 12 models.

Apple shows the new iPhone 12 on… October 13th. Tim Cook will open the keynote at 7:00 p.m. German time. And the iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max are expected.

But it also does justice to the fact that Apple has more hardware up its sleeve this evening. Keyword AirTags, over-ear studio headphones and a new Apple TV.

The new iPhone 12 will finally usher in the 5G age at Apple, as the manufacturer from Cupertino had taken its time for a long time.

Apple October 13 iPhone 12 Event
Apple iPhone 12 Event (Source: Apple)

The article Apple shows the new iPhone 12 on ... first appeared on Xiaomist .


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