The Redmi Note 9S seems to present new problems after its latest update

After presenting certain problems with the WiFi connection or even with the sealing of its main camera , the Redmi Note 9S seems to present new problems related to audio and calls after its last update.

And it seems that, as we have been able to read in several threads of My Community ( 2 ) ( 3 ), a large number of users have begun to complain after having updated their Redmi Note 9S to the latest Global version of MIUI , specifically to V11.0.11.0 (QDWMIXM) .

These affected Redmi Note 9S have reportedly started to stop working properly when it comes to activating the hands-free speaker . Also, the audio through the device's own jack connector does not work properly during telephone conversations .

My Community : Just before the last 11.0.9 update my earpiece volume was very loud and clear, but after the new 11.0.10 update I can barely hear the caller even after increasing the volume of the earpiece to the max I've been forced to use the speaker or headphones to mitigate the issue, is there a workaround for this error?

At the moment, not even restoring the terminal itself has been enough for these errors to be solved. Still, according to a moderator of the official Xiaomi community, the development team has already been informed and is working on it .

For our part, if you have a Redmi Note 9S in Global version, not European, we advise you not to update to version V11.0.11.0 until these problems have been solved. We will keep abreast of any news in this regard to inform you of it.

Via | piunikaweb

The entry The Redmi Note 9S seems to present new problems after its last update was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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