Work on Windows 10 20H2 is complete. Transparent tiles go to the first corporate customers

Windows 10 Fall Update will arrive without delay. No wonder - it's a very modest upgrade. Although this time, for a change, we will immediately notice that we are already on the new version.

Windows updates in recent years have been mainly felt by technical problems for some user groups. This is due to the fact that currently the most happening inside the system is inside. Security mechanisms, graphical API, functions dedicated to programmers and administrators are being modernized. The so-called Regular User experiences the updates mainly through a frustrating downtime when it is applied to his device.

Windows 10 20H2, by contrast, is a very minor update. It introduces only a few minor novelties - something like last year's Windows 10 1909 update. Most of the new code is even on our devices. The patch that will appear in the near future will simply change the system configuration, getting rid of older libraries. The update may be a minor one - but we will notice immediately that we already have it. The appearance of active tiles in the Start Menu will change.

Windows 10 20H2 is now ready.

It is possible that at the last minute Windows Insider Beta testers discover a critical bug that will stop the release of an update. It seems unlikely at this stage, however, and Microsoft has provided corporate customers with information about the update so that they can prepare for it.

In a note, Microsoft announces that Windows 10 20H2 requires Windows 10 2004 with all updates by June this year. Only devices that meet these criteria will be offered the 20H2 update as a minor maintenance fix. Devices with older versions of Windows will receive a feature update - that is, one that will take longer to install and which will restart the updated device several times.

Windows 10 20H2 installation images have already been handed over to corporate customers so that they can check if they are sure it will break something within their companies' IT infrastructure. Windows 10 20H2 is also expected to be included in the preview channel of Windows Insider in the near future. Availability for ordinary users is scheduled for the turn of October and November.

Windows 10 20H2 - what's new?

Removing the leading color from active tiles and icons.

For today, active tiles are colored with the color selected as the leading one in Settings. For my computer, it is navy blue. However, with the 20H2 version, this color will be replaced with translucency. According to Microsoft, this makes active tiles more readable and blends nicely with the rest of the system interface. Similarly, icons: their watering becomes transparent, no longer the color of the leading color. This is what it looks like in a bright theme:

Yes in the dark:

And so in dark with a selected leading color:

Edge browser tabs in the app switching view.

[ALT] + [TAB] is probably one of the most used keyboard shortcuts in Windows. It is used to switch quickly between applications. With version 20H1, this switch will reflect the tabs open in the Edge browser. We can also decide whether we want to see all the cards, the last few - or not want to see them at all and leave everything as it is.

The Spartan is gone.

This change was supposed to be made in Windows 10 2004 , but the decision has been postponed to a future update. With the 20H2 update, the classic version of the Edge browser on the Spartan foundation will be hidden from the user. It will be replaced with this modern version, built on the Chromium project.

Change the refresh rate in a more intuitive place.

To change the refresh rate of our monitor, in Windows 10 20H2 just go to the Settings application, there System , then Display , then Advanced display settings and that's it.

System information disappears from the Control Panel.

From now on, they are available in the modern Settings application, along with a button for copying system information.

No more notification notifications - better Focus feature.

After turning on Focus mode, Windows goes silent without showing us any notifications. However, as soon as we exit this mode, the system will immediately want to inform us about all the notifications we missed. It won't do that anymore.

Touch mode. Not to be confused with tablet mode.

This feature was originally intended for Windows 10 2004. The system on computers with a touchscreen - but not tablets - will display the Desktop with slightly more spaced elements, which is to facilitate touch interaction with the system.

New look for notifications.

The vertically arranged arrows and gear icons disappear. They have been replaced with an intuitive cross to close the notification and a ellipsis expanding more options.

Also, the same as usual.

That is, hundreds of small fixes related to detected defects and the possibility of increasing security and performance.

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Work on Windows 10 20H2 is complete. Transparent tiles go to the first corporate customers


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