This is the first acting commercial for PlayStation 5. We will probably see this spot on TV and in cinemas

Sony has published the first TV commercial for PlayStation 5. Spot does not show upcoming games, or even the console. Instead, it focuses on unique user experiences.

Haptic technology in the DualSense controller. Adaptive triggers. Original surround sound technology. The first acting ad for PlayStation 5 focuses on these elements. Sony shows the unique features of the upcoming console, but the task is extremely difficult. After all, good presentation of 3D Audio technology or haptics in an advertisement is quite a challenge.

The first acting spot of PlayStation 5 is quite… bland.

Theoretically, we have action, amazing monsters and explosions, but the painstaking narrative puts the viewer to sleep. The spot is pleasing to the eye, but nothing else. I made my decision to buy a PS5 on the launch day a long time ago, but if I were still hesitating, the advertisement would probably not convince me to visit the store. Not enough… games? And under this cover of superfast SSD drives, haptic languages ​​and surround sounds, games are all about.

Of course, this is just the beginning. The marketing machine is just starting, its first pistons are moving. Sony begins building an advertising narrative, the finale of which will take place around Christmas. Hence, the enigmatic, blackened first spots make sense if we see more and more consoles and more and more games with each passing month. Gran Turismo 7, new Spider-Man, Sackboy, Demon's Souls - this is the meat we are waiting for.

Michael remains undefeated.

When I think about the earlier PlayStation ads, I remember one of them especially fondly. It's a spot called Long Live Play for PS3, combining a real acting game with popular video game series. Narration, climate, dialogues, message - absolutely everything played out. It's been almost a decade since PlayStation 3, and advertising still has that something to it. See for yourself.

This is the first acting advertisement for PlayStation 5. We will probably see this spot on TV and in cinemas


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