Messenger for Windows and Mac just made more sense. Here is the chat feature in a new window

With the latest version of the Messenger desktop app for Windows and MacOS, you no longer have to switch between individual conversations with different friends to keep chatting with several people.

The function that was discovered in the bowels of Messenger for Windows and macOS is somewhat related to the chat heads in mobile Messenger for Android.

How does Chat work in a new Messenger window?

Just as the name suggests. Click on the contact icon and select the Chat option in the new window. Take a look.

How do I turn on Chat in a new window in Messenger?

The feature is not available in the production Messenger, but we can test it in the beta version of the application available in the Microsoft Store.

After downloading the software, there is no need to enable an additional feature. It will be visible as in the screenshot below.

This is a minor improvement to the application, but it definitely makes it easier to control many conversations conducted simultaneously.

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Messenger for Windows and Mac just made more sense. Here is the chat feature in a new window


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