How to activate or deactivate the new MIUI 12 Control Center on your Xiaomi

Among the new MIUI 12 we find a new Control Center or Control Center. This has a completely renewed design and different from the one we found in MIUI 11, also adding certain functionalities of the most practical once we get used to it.

After activating the MIUI 12 control center we will find ourselves in front of a panel much more striking to the eye, loaded with animations and graphics that are easier to understand. Likewise, this new center divides into two the settings that we found in other versions of MIUI and the notification curtain itself.

In detail, the new MIUI 12 control center varies depending on which side we open it from. If we slide the top bar from the right side, we will see the control settings , while if we do it from the left, the notifications panel will be displayed .

activate miui 12 control center from xiaomi, deactivate miui 11. Xiaomi News

New MIUI 12 control center that you can activate and deactivate on your Xiaomi.

With this, Xiaomi has managed to develop a control center very similar to that of iOS but with its own personality . One of the best news of MIUI 12 that below we explain how to activate or deactivate on your Xiaomi.

How to activate the MIUI 12 control center on your Xiaomi

activate miui 12 control center from xiaomi, deactivate miui 11. Xiaomi News

By default, the new MIUI 12 control center is active, so if we update our Xiaomi we will not have to perform any extra process. Still, if we want to activate the MIUI 12 control center manually, the steps to follow are:

  1. Go to Settings> Display> Status bar
  2. Once inside, we just have to activate the option «Use the new Control Center».

In this way we will be able to activate the MIUI 12 control center along with all its news.

How to deactivate the MIUI 12 control center of your Xiaomi

If we want to deactivate the MIUI 12 control center of our Xiaomi, either because we do not like it or because we want to have the same MIUI 11 control center again, we will only have to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings> Display> Status bar
  2. Once inside, we just have to deactivate the option "Use the new Control Center".

With this, in a really simple way we will be able to deactivate the MIUI 12 control center and therefore reuse the same control center that we had with the previous version of MIUI, that is, with MIUI 11.

The entry How to activate or deactivate the new MIUI 12 Control Center on your Xiaomi was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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