Food lasts longer in this refrigerator. This is confirmed by the lady of the house with extensive experience

Choosing a refrigerator is not an easy task. Most people know virtually nothing about these devices. Hardly anyone realizes that interesting and very useful innovations appear in their subsequent models. I found out about it using the new Beko refrigerator.

Testing household appliances is quite a difficult and time-consuming task. While in the case of smartphone and computer tests, we have a specification that tells us a lot and we can perform synthetic tests, in the case of household appliances, we must focus only on everyday use and our own feelings. Therefore, as part of the test, we bought the latest model from Beko and put it in my parents' house. Who better to judge a refrigerator than an experienced full-time housewife?

I decided that a blind test would work best.

I did not inform my mother what solutions her new refrigerator would be equipped with, so as not to over-wind it and not suggest anything to it. I just informed her that we bought her a new fridge because I need to write a text and a video about her and… I was waiting for the results. On the very first day, my mother called me and said that something was wrong, because the fruit and vegetable compartment lights up once in blue, once in green, once in red. And as for red, it must be something not working. I calmed down my mother, I said that it should be like that, that it was such a ubiquitous fashion for RGB LEDs. I only cheated her slightly.

After a few days, maybe a week, I was visiting my family home. And there I found out that the fridge is really good and that there was something wrong with the previous one, because the vegetables are fresh and juicy for longer. My mother noticed it for the first time when after a few days she took a radish out of it, and the observation was confirmed by the strawberries kept for a long time and crispy carrots - a delicacy of our domestic dog, the Maltese. I could give more such examples, but they are not as important as the overall impression which turned out to be very positive.

Then I was able to explain why this is so.

As you know, the best solutions are inspired by nature. And that's exactly what Harvest Fresh from Beko is. Fruits and vegetables begin to lose their vitamins from the moment they are harvested, meaning they have lost many of the best nutrients after they are given. To slow down this process, Beko developed the Harvest Fresh technology.

It uses three active colors of light (green, blue and red). This combination simulates the daytime light cycle - including the dark time - to recreate the natural habitat of fruits and vegetables long after they have been harvested and purchased. Research has shown that this technology helps maintain vitamin A and vitamin C levels, both important for the proper functioning of the body, for much longer.

Another technology has been implemented in the same chamber. You probably know that most refrigerators have a special drawer for their storage, it is often marked with the word Fresh. Also Beko has its own solution of this type, which is called EverFresh +.

Thanks to it, air enters the chamber through the perforated lid, thanks to which temperature and moisture are better distributed. Even after opening the refrigerator, when warm air reaches it. As a result, vegetables and fruits in such a chamber can last for a very long time, which directly translates into less food waste and, indirectly, lower prices for our purchases.

But that's not all.

Another very interesting and useful solution is the NeoFrost system, which is a better version of NoFrost found in virtually all new refrigerators. The primary function of NoFrost is to ensure air circulation inside the cooling and freezing chambers. This task is performed by the fan, which dries the air and thus prevents the formation of moisture and thus the formation of frost. As a result, you do not need to defrost the refrigerator.

Unfortunately, by getting rid of moisture, we also deprive it of food, which may become unpalatable. If you've ever eaten a ham with dried edges or a rubber cheese, you know exactly what it is about. It is precisely the fault of the lack of moisture in the chamber.

The solution to this problem is the NeoFrost system in Beko refrigerators. NeoFrost is responsible for the air circulation in the two compartments separately: the refrigerator compartment has its own circuit, the freezer compartment - its own. The air therefore circulates over a smaller area and thus helps to distribute the temperature more evenly. In addition, the smells of food placed on different shelves do not mix with each other.

Additionally, two fans ensure that Beko refrigerators with NeoFrost cool down twice as fast as appliances without this technology. This effect is enhanced by a metal wall, which provides better cooling, and is also minimalistic and easy to clean.

Beko's refrigerator worked.

I have to admit, before starting the test, I thought that the Harvest Fresh and Everfresh + technologies would prove to be worthless and overrated. Ultimately, however, they passed the test, and the effects turned out to be visible to the naked eye. I found out about it thanks to my mother, who unknowingly took part in a blind test of these solutions.

The NeoFrost system also turned out to be a pleasant surprise, thanks to which the fridge cools down faster, the food is tastier and the food smells mix to a much lesser extent. All this shows that there is still a lot of room for innovation in the refrigerator market. Who knows, if not bigger than in smartphones we love so much.

The text was created in cooperation with the Beko brand

Food lasts longer in this refrigerator. This is confirmed by the lady of the house with extensive experience


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