BlackBerry is back. With a smartphone with a physical keyboard and 5G

Another company has decided to see if it can restore the BlackBerry brand to its former glory and glory. This time there are people from OnwardMobility.

BlackBerry was unable to find itself in the new reality and era that was initiated by the iPhone. The Canadian company's smartphones - although highly useful for processing large numbers of e-mails and office communications - did not survive the mobile application revolution. Although BlackBerry was once one of the undisputed leaders in the smartphone market.

Several entities have tried to revive the brand. TCL was moderately successful by purchasing the right to use the BlackBerry brand and the company's patents. The Keyone and Key2 phones found a small group of people interested. Wide enough to be noted. But also so narrow that TCL decided not to extend the license for the brand.

TCL gives up , but BlackBerry wants someone else. OnwardMobility specialists.

They have already secured appropriate agreements with BlackBerry and intend to launch the first Hedgehog on the market next year. It's quite an interesting marriage: OnwardMobility is a company specializing in providing corporate clients with solutions that increase digital security and privacy protection.

The company, however, lacks hardware competences. Therefore, the design of the hardware itself will be done by a subcontractor, the Taiwanese company FIH Mobile, owned by Foxconn. We do not know anything about the planned device itself - apart from the promise that it will be compatible with the 5G network and equipped with a physical keyboard.

Well, we cheer. Alone with BlackBerry, I have good memories and I very much regret that they did not work out - I find the BlackBerry 10 platform highly underrated. However, it is difficult to remain optimistic, bearing in mind the last few years of the brand's history.

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BlackBerry is back. With a smartphone with a physical keyboard and 5G


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