Apple has already lost to Epic Games

I am very impressed with how Epic Games plays out the rebellion against Apple. This well-thought-out action deserves to be called the business trolling of the year. This is just the beginning, and you can already see that whatever Apple does, it has already lost. First of all, in terms of image.

Let me give you a chronological overview of the events first.

  • On Thursday, the publisher of the hit Fortnite game Epic Games added an in-game payment option that celebrates 30%. the commission Apple applies to sales on the App Store.
  • A few hours later, Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store for breaking the rules.
  • Of course, this was expected by Epic Games, which immediately filed a lawsuit against Apple arguing that the American company is taking advantage of the dominant position in the iPhone application market.
  • At the same time, an event mocking Apple appeared in the game Fornite, during which a spot was presented which was a parody of the cult Apple advertisement entitled 1984, in which Macs were intended to break (literally) IBM's monopoly in the PC market.

Action timing is not accidental

The echoes of Big Tech's loud hearing by the US congress , where Apple's Tim Cook was grilled for a dominant position in the mobile application market, have not yet subsided. Pre-trial proceedings against Apple against Apple in Europe by Spotify are still pending. A few weeks earlier, it was loud about the protests of companies from the Apple ecosystem, such as Sonos and Tile, which complained about the dragons' terms of cooperation with the owner of the platform.

At the same time, despite the pandemic, Apple presents outstanding financial results , as if the global turmoil had no impact on the company's business. Moreover, Apple's stock market cap flirts with $ 2 trillion . Cook's company recently regained the title of the world's largest public company.

Apple as evil incarnate? There has never been a better climate to beat these tones

Soon after the Epic Games revolution, the media support machine for the gaming tiger was launched. The Fortnite publisher was publicly praised by Spotify and Match Group, the publisher of the popular dating apps Tinder and Hinge. Epic Games' quiet protest also supports ... Microsoft, whose new video game streaming service has not been approved for sale in the App Store.

Apple seems to be hemmed in on all sides, and Epic Games is only taking advantage of the sway of Apple's monument. What is it used for? Oh yeah - this is the most interesting thing.

What is Epic Games playing?

Epic Games is not a small player whose well-being would depend solely on the presence of Fortnite on the iPhone. This is a gigantic company worth $ 17 billion. on the private market. There are 350 million registered players in Fortnite, who in 2019 alone spent in the game - note - $ 1.8 billion. ( SuperData Research data ).

How much of that money did the iPhone bring? If you believe the data provided by CNBC , it is currently around $ 43 million. monthly. Let's round this to $ 500 million. annually. Apparently a lot, but still below 30 percent. Epic Games' total Fortnite revenues. You can play it.

Whatever Apple does now, it is already in a losing position.

If he agrees to a reduction in the commission charged on Fortnite sales, there will be queues willing to make a similar change, and this would call into question the continued functioning of the App Store business. If Tim Cook does not bow, American senators grilling Apple for monopoly will get the crown proof.

Not to mention the loss of image. Apple became the one he fought against in 1984 - a ruthless hegemon, an insensitive monopolist, an entity that stifles competition and development. Epic Games deftly puts Apple against the wall, throwing 350 million Fortnite players into battle, telling them: Can't you play the game on your iPhone? Blame Apple - that greedy monopoly beast that rips every hard-earned dollar out of you.

I would not be surprised if the Epic Games action was not also the next installment of the total technological and trade war between the US and China. The company that publishes Fortnite has a stake ... Chinese tycoon Tencent (Szymek Radzewicz wrote a great material about this extremely interesting company ).

Apple has already lost to Epic Games


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