Xiaomi puts on sale a curious diary with unlock by fingerprint

Once again, Xiaomi surprises us with one of those curious products for sale on Youpin . And it is that this time we are faced with a personal diary that beyond its main purpose incorporates a fingerprint sensor for unlocking and opening .

Made of textured PU materials , this new diary sold by Xiaomi offers an alternative to the classic notebook, not only for its locking system but also for its elegant design.

Beyond its external design, inside it adds several compartments ideal for storing credit cards, pens or any other small item. Likewise, your notepad has a B6 standard size back so we can easily exchange it once it runs out.

Lock with fingerprint and autonomy of up to 60 days

Xiaomi puts on sale a curious diary with fingerprint lock. Xiaomi  News

New diary with fingerprint lock sold by Xiaomi on Youpin.

The really curious thing about this new diary or notebook is its protection mechanism. And it is that, for its blocking and opening it makes use of a fingerprint sensor that allows to store up to 2 different fingerprints .

Xiaomi puts on sale a curious diary with fingerprint lock. Xiaomi  News

In addition, its fingerprint sensor is capable of recognizing our finger in any of the directions, taking just 0.5 seconds to unlock. To close it, all you have to do is close its lids and they will be automatically locked.

Of rest, this new newspaper has a 160mAh battery. Thanks to it, its autonomy amounts to 60 days, making an average use of about 10 unlocks per day approximately.

Price and availability

Xiaomi puts on sale a curious diary with fingerprint lock. Xiaomi  News

The price of this new newspaper with fingerprint unlock is 299 yuan, about 38 euros to change. At the moment it is only sold on Youpin although it is likely that in the next few days we will see it for sale on AliExpress.

More information at : Youpin

The Xiaomi entry puts up for sale a curious diary with fingerprint unlock that was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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