The smallest iPhone 12 will be a brick hit

iPhone 12 will appear in four versions, including a completely new 5.4-inch size. We have just seen the screen of this smartphone in the pictures.

The new series of iPhones is expected to debut this year with a delay, but Apple is preparing as many as four new smartphones. This year we will see two models of the cheap iPhone 12 and two variants of the more expensive iPhone 12 Pro. The whole thing looks like this:

  • iPhone 12 with a 5.4 "screen, OLED (dual camera),
  • iPhone 12 with a 6.1 "screen, OLED (dual camera),
  • iPhone 12 Pro with 6.1 "screen, OLED (triple camera with ToF / lidar sensor),
  • iPhone 12 Pro with a 6.8 "screen, OLED (triple camera with ToF / lidar sensor).

The smallest iPhone 12 looks very interesting.

The screen of the new iPhone 12 in the size of 5.4 inches appeared in the first photos . It's really tiny.

The multitude of new iPhone models is a move that takes Apple away from Steve Jobs' philosophy of governance, but it will certainly prove to be a market success. iPhone XR, and later iPhone 11 are the most-bought smartphones not only in Apple's offer, but also in the entire market. There is no reason to believe that the cheap iPhone 12 will be any different.

The more that there will be two models of the base iPhone, the smaller one will probably be a bit cheaper. This time, both are to have an OLED screen, which will be a big step forward.

Unfortunately, the smallest iPhone 12 may have a significant disadvantage.

There are many indications that this smartphone will simply have too small a battery. A smaller body size will translate into a smaller link. It all goes hand in hand with a smaller screen, so theoretically, the working time may not suffer, but we all know what it looks like in practice with Apple.

Just look at the new iPhone SE , for example, which has an embarrassingly short working time, and according to leaks, the iPhone 12 with a 5.4-inch screen is even supposed to have a slightly smaller battery! At the same time, it will have a much larger screen (5.4 inches versus 4.7 inches).

It does not look good on paper , but if the battery is the only major problem of a cheap iPhone, this equipment will sell like hot cakes.

According to leaks, the premiere of new iPhones is to take place on October 2, and the equipment is to be available in stores a week later, from October 9.

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The smallest iPhone 12 will be a brick hit


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