The new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic are already here: headphones with quality / price above all

Along with the new Xiaomi Mi Band 5 Global and the Xiaomi Mi Curved Gaming Monitor, Xiaomi has presented the Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic wireless headphones, some "old acquaintances" that stand out for their great quality / price.

After being presented in China under the name Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SE, Xiaomi has brought them to Spain and practically all of Europe under the trade name Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic. This time we are faced with other wireless headphones with their own design and autonomy that will please more than one .

In detail, we are faced with cheap Bluetooth headphones that still maintain a fairly successful design and some of the most complete characteristics. And is that, beyond its price, the Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic offer great sound quality.

Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SE, wireless headphones features, price. Xiaomi  News

Without going any further, inside each earphone we find 14.2mm speakers capable of guaranteeing high audio quality with well-defined high frequencies and deep bass. In addition, these Xiaomi Air 2 SE adds the same renovated DSP that we find in the Redmi AirDots S.

Wireless headphones with great autonomy and synchronize instantly with MIUI

Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic wireless headphones. Xiaomi  News

Beyond their design and sound quality, the Xiaomi Mi Air 2 SE or Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic offer great autonomy. And, they are capable of offering up to 5 hours of music playback uninterrupted, lasting up to 20 hours thanks to the base of their case.

In addition, the Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic add Bluetooth 5.0 that in combination with MIUI achieve almost instantaneous synchronization. Likewise, they are compatible with the main voice assistants that we currently find in the market: XiaoAI , Google Assistant and Siri .

Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic wireless headphones. Xiaomi  News

The Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic have an individual weight of 4.7 grams and add 3 caps of different sizes in order to best fit our ear. These also get a better grip preventing them from falling easily.

Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic wireless headphones. Xiaomi  News

From the rest we find ourselves with wireless headphones with two microphones , AAC codec support , USB Type C port for charging. In addition, they include a charging case that with a weight of 48 grams in addition to protecting them, allows you to charge each earphone.

Price and availability of the Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic

The new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic will be released for sale in the coming days at a price of only 39.99 euros , that is, during its launch its price will be only 29.99 euros. As usual it will be sold on, the Mi Store and Xiaomi authorized channels.

The entry The new Xiaomi Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic are already here: headphones with quality / price first of all was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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