Leaked graphics from Far Cry 6. On the cover of Gus Fringe from Breaking Bad

Far Cry 6 is coming, and due to the leak we've got the release date and the main antagonist in the game. It will be played by Giancarlo Esposito, known among others from the role of Gus Fring from the TV series Breaking Bad.

Unexpected graphics have arrived at the PlayStation Store in Hong Kong . Probably as a result of a mistake, the premature promotion of Far Cry 6 has started in the store. We saw a game page that reveals a lot.

In Far Cry 6 we will fight against the dictator played by Giancarlo Esposito.

If the character in the graphics seems familiar to you, you are right. He is an actor Giancarlo Esposito, well known for his role as Gustavo Fring from the series Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. The actor often plays the role of a villain and it will be no different in the latest Ubisoft game.

In Far Cry 6, the action will take place in a tropical setting, specifically in the fictional location of Yara. The location is a bit like Kuba. The local authority is the dictator Anton Castillo, whom we will face. The cover also shows a second, much younger character, most likely the son of a dictator.

We play the role of Dani Rojas, a resident of Yara, who turns his dislike of hard rule into action. The hero becomes a partisan and begins to strive for the liberation of the nation. In the game we are to explore tropical forests and densely populated cities.

In Far Cry 6 we will be able to play with a companion, thanks to the cooperation mode for two players.

Far Cry 6 will premiere on February 18, 2021. We will play PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.

The leak comes from the PS Store, so it applies to the PlayStation platform. On the game page there is information that the title is created for the current and upcoming console generation. Customers who buy the game on PS4 will receive a free version on PS5.

However, there is no reason to assume that the title will not appear on other platforms. Like its predecessors, we can expect PC and Xbox versions, most likely on Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

The whole promises to be ... quite typical for the Far Cry series, which, unfortunately, is not the best news. It looks like Far Cry 6 will have a very similar structure to previous views. A characteristic feature of the series is the transformation of the main character from an ordinary citizen to a real Rambo, who almost alone deals with the authoritarian and very brutal ruler in an area isolated from the rest of the world.

The game will definitely need a strong refreshment. As a big Far Cry 3 fan, I went through the fourth part with less enthusiasm, and Far Cry 5 wasn't even finished. The impression of surfeit was complemented by additions that also duplicated the formula started in Far Cry 3. Let Ubisoft this time reach for something more than duplicating the proven scheme in a new location.

The first video material from Far Cry 6 is already July 12

Ubisoft officially announced the #UbiForward conference, where we will see new titles, including Far Cry 6. The conference will announce a short video showing the hero of Far Cry 6. The event will take place on July 12, 2020.

Leaked graphics from Far Cry 6. On the cover of Gus Fringe from Breaking Bad


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