Intel gives back the field to AMD. Production of new processors postponed

intel core 10th generation desktop

We already have Intel's financial results for the past fiscal quarter. However, it is not the financial amounts that are interesting in it, but the information provided to investors: 7-nanometer processors from Intel will not appear this year.

Intel posted another very favorable quarter, as expected. It posted a net profit of $ 5.1 billion (10% increase from the same quarter a year ago) on revenues of $ 19.7 billion (20% increase).

Intel made the most money on PC components ($ 9.5 billion in revenue, a 7 percent increase). The most important thing for Intel is the data center market right now. There, it did a great job, posting an amazing 43 percent increase to $ 7.1 billion. The problem is that Intel is going by the momentum.

Intel announced that the delay in implementing the 7nm technological process for processors could be at least six months.

The more precise the technological process, the more transistors can fit on a given surface. More accurate lithography enables engineers to design more efficient processors with better energy efficiency. Almost all of Intel's competition - including AMD - has been using the 7nm process technology for a long time. Intel itself was supposed to introduce it at any moment.

Well, it will not. The company informed investors that its 7-nanometer processors will appear on the market at least six months later than announced. So, at least at the turn of 2022 and 2023, Intel will focus on its 10-nanometer lithography for now: in the second half of this year, Alder Lake desktop processors and the Tiger Lake family are to appear.

Meanwhile, AMD successfully sells its efficient, efficient and relatively inexpensive 7nm processors. What's more, it is already planning a 5-nanometer technological process for the Zen 4 systems - these are to appear at the end of next year.

Intel gives back the field to AMD. Production of new processors postponed


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