Samsung spoiled film evenings around the world. Strange failure of Blu-ray equipment

samsung blu-ray does not work

This week was not to start this week. Some of us had a movie screening after a hard day's work or study. The owners of Samsung players will get around the taste. It is possible that they will visit the website.

A mysterious thing happened. A certain group of Samsung Blu-ray players has stopped working for no apparent reason. Some also report the rebellion of other RTV devices from the Korean manufacturer, but these cases have not yet been confirmed. For now, it is known that the selected players fall into the boot loop after starting - and so they restart every now and again, preventing the movie from playing or performing any other actions.

Affected models include, but are not limited to, BD-JM57C and ID-J5900. Samsung has already confirmed that the fault is not something of a joker and that it actually occurs - although the company does not provide the reason for the failure or even a full list of models that may have problems with it.

Samsung Blu-ray player does not work and restarts? This problem occurs worldwide.

It is not clear at the moment what actually happened. A popular theory is that of felic software updates. It says that last weekend Samsung released new firmware for its players, which turned out to be defective, but was automatically downloaded and installed. However, some complaining users claim that their equipment is no longer covered by technical support, so it seems unlikely that they will download something.

The second theory is the expiry of a security certificate. Perhaps one of the services uses an SSL connection, and when it cannot establish it, it results in a critical error that forces the whole device to reboot. Again, however: it is only a theory that no one has yet confirmed.

It is not yet clear what injured persons should do. It is possible that they will wait for a visit to the service or installing the corrected software on their own, using the service procedure in the form of a USB stick connected to the USB port. We also do not know what about the customers who have expired the warranty period for their devices.

I asked the Polish branch of Samsung for further clarification. As soon as I receive them, we will update this text immediately.

Samsung spoiled film evenings around the world. Strange failure of Blu-ray equipment


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