Graphics of the day: comparing the size of PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X and X1X

When Sony showed the PlayStation 5 console, many people thought: but a giant! And these people were right. When you put PS5 next to PS4, the difference in size is huge.

PlayStation 5 looks like this :

There is also the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition (on the right), in which we will not insert the discs:

How big is the PlayStation 5 console?

On Reddit, the GREBO7 user has put together graphics of PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Previously, he measured the disc hole and USB socket to have a comparative scale and set several generations side by side.

Here is the result of his work:

porównanie rozmiaru PlayStation 5, PS4, Xboksa Series X oraz X1X

It can not be hidden that the new generation consoles will be of considerable size.

Read more about PlayStation 5:

  • This is what Sony PlayStation 5 looks like! It will be available in two versions
  • Here are the new headphones, new camera, remote control and charging station for PlayStation 5
  • All game trailers on PlayStation 5 from Sony conferences in one place
  • Did you like the PlayStation 5 show and will you buy the console for the premiere?

Do not miss new texts. Follow Spider's Web in Google News .

Graphics of the day: comparing the size of PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X and X1X


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