Apple showed iOS 14. Desktop widgets will change iPhones

The first novelty at the Apple WWDC 2020 conference is the new iOS 14 system, which includes revolutionary new products. At least from Apple's point of view.

iOS 14 with home screen widgets.

The brand new widgets on iOS 14 are completely new widgets. The widgets screen has been redesigned because you can place widgets of various sizes on it, e.g. in the form of 2 × 2 square tiles.

Most important, however, is that widgets can be dragged to home screens and placed next to the application icons. You will be able to change their size, thanks to which you will be able to change the home screen to an extent never available before on iOS. I associate the tiles of widgets and application icons with the Windows Phone main screen, which is a very good development direction.

A widget library will also appear (Widget Gallery), in which we will be able to view the available widgets from various applications, as well as different sizes of individual widgets. Each size will display a slightly different set of data.

Another new feature is the App Library. It's a kind of automatic application collections.

App Library is a new side screen. It will contain application sets created automatically on the basis of programs installed on the iPhone. This is similar to folders, except that it will be created automatically. Just for unorganized people.

The automatic folders will have a 2 × 2 tile size. In addition, one of such folders will contain proposed applications, sent based on our preferences.

Picture in Picture is another important novelty in iOS 14.

Picture in Pixture is a new feature in iOS 14. It is a floating window in which we can display movies. We already know this solution from iPadOS and macOS, so we know what to expect. Such a feature was lacking in the iPhone.

An additional flavor is the fact that the window with the film can be temporarily hidden behind the edge of the screen. It will then be invisible, but the audio will continue to play.

There is much more new in iOS 14. The entry is being created.

Apple showed iOS 14. Desktop widgets will change iPhones


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