Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bike designed for home use

One more day Xiaomi surprises us again with another interesting product for sale on Youpin . This time we are faced with a spinning bicycle designed for use at home thanks to its compact size but multiple adjustment options.

Specifically, this new spinning bike reaches the Xiaomi crowdfunding platform under the Mobifitness brand. Its structure is completely made of aluminum alloy and has dimensions of 1,154x517x1,290mm and a total weight of 46Kg .

Among its main features we find a rear wheel made of aluminum , capable of providing a high degree of resistance. At the same time, it offers us a smooth start, avoiding possible injuries and a total of 32 resistance levels, which in this case are manual / magnetic adjustment.

Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bike designed for home use. Xiaomi  News

In addition, among its various position adjustments, this new spinning bicycle allows us to adjust the height and depth of its saddle, the height and inclination of the handlebars and the adjustment of the strap to hold its pedals.

Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bike designed for home use. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bike designed for home use. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bike designed for home use. Xiaomi  News

For more comfortable mobility, on its front it has two small wheels , while on its handlebar a support is added where we will put our smartphones or tablets in order to make use of our favorite training application.

Price and availability

The price of this new Mobifitness spinning bike is 2,499 yuan, about 326 euros in exchange, a rather striking price when we consider the average price of these exercise machines.

Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bike designed for home use. Xiaomi  News

Its first units will begin to be commercialized from June 8 . Still, it is unlikely that we will see it for sale through AliExpress or other resellers as it is such a heavy product and of considerable dimensions.

More information at : Youpin

The entry Xiaomi puts on sale an interesting spinning bicycle designed for home use was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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