The court has just declared CDP bankrupt

It's a bittersweet day for the Polish video game industry. On the one hand, CD Projekt Red stock prices broke another record, on the other ... The District Court in Warsaw has just announced the bankruptcy of the oldest Polish computer games distributor.

Some readers probably remember this breakthrough, when in Polish stores an original box with the first part of Baldur's Gate appeared at a price lower than the pirates wanted for the same game. It was a real hit and the beautiful beginning of the CD Projekt group, which today is much more known for producing international hits.

CDP bankruptcy

In the case of CDP, the pass was not that good. After leaving the CD Projekt group as a result of a management buyout, the company started distributing games created by various studios - including REDs. At this point, unfortunately, the end of continuous success.

It is true that until recently CDP had in its portfolio the right to distribute on the Polish market both the series of The Witcher and the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, this last contract was probably the last nail in the publisher's coffin.

CDP's problems began as soon as CD Projekt RED postponed the release date of Cyberpunk from April to September. Shortly after this news hit the media, a wave of mass layoffs swept through CDP. It can only be presumed that the cost of producing promotional materials combined with the postponed release date of Cyberpunk led to the bankruptcy of the distributor. CDP's bankruptcy petition went to court in April. Today the Warsaw District Court has officially declared the distributor bankrupt.

Players who place pre-orders will not stay on ice. CD Projekt RED will take care of them - they can afford :-)

This is promised by representatives of the game manufacturer himself:

- All orders placed will be processed. Cenega will continue to collect orders for the standard version of the game in sales networks and online stores. However, pre-orders that have been placed for the Collector's Edition of the game will be processed directly by CD PROJEKT RED. - explains Radek Adam Grabowski, Lead PR Manager from CD Projekt RED

Oh, and Cenega acquires Cyberpunk 2077 distribution rights on the Polish market. But we knew that before . At the end and to sweeten you (and yourself) some news about the bankruptcy of the oldest Polish distributor, who in addition to the original Baldur (WITH GENIAN PIOTR FRONCZEWSKI) at a good price also gave us the Polish version of the best game in the world - Diablo 2, I will write about a record CD valuation Project Ed.

The company's share price has exceeded PLN 400 for the first time in history, and so far there is no indication that it should stop growing. Oh, and Redzi overtook Ubisoft , becoming the best-ranked European computer game development studio. From today, even foreign investors must admit that Poles reign when it comes to the European video game market.

The court has just declared CDP bankrupt


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