iPhone 12 without headphones in the box? I say so definitely

If Apple only gives up adding headphones to the iPhone 12, I applaud this decision. I will say more: chargers and cables should also be sold separately.

New smartphones from Tim Cook are expected to hit stores this fall. It is true that the coronavirus is said to postpone their debut from September to October or November, but in a maximum of six months, the first Apple phones supporting 5G should hit store shelves. We have already heard quite a lot about them.

According to reliable leaks, this year we won't get three, but four phones from the iPhone 12. Line will use an OLED screen in each, but only two of them will be refreshed at 120 Hz. We also expect a smaller notch, an improved Face ID and a camera with four lenses and support for LiDAR technology.

It is also possible that the iPhone 12 will go on sale without the wired headphones included.

For as long as I can remember, cell phones have been sold in a set with headphones - even if they were to be falling apart from looking at fleas of the lowest quality. I myself have a full drawer of headsets from old Nokia and Android smartphones that have never been and will never be used, and EarPods with minijack and Lightning connectors are always given to someone.

I am also sure that many of my peers have the same, but with the eyes of my imagination I can already see this larum, which will rise if the rumors about dropping the headphones are confirmed. Apple has finally earned, quite deservedly, the opinion of an extremely greedy company. Certainly many people will treat this step as a mere leap for money and an incentive to buy AirPods.

However, I applaud this approach because our planet will breathe thanks to giving up headphones with relief.

I would enjoy it as much as I enjoyed getting rid of this minijack port and removing the adapter from the sales set from the Lightning connector to the headphone jack. I do not like to pay for something that I do not use, and more specifically I do not like to have such an impression, because let's not kid ourselves - the producer saves on such a move.

Anyway, I've been using wireless headphones for several years, which I buy on my own and treat headsets as electro-waste. If only the iPhone 12 will be deprived of them, which will save its price (in the case of this cheaper model) or even earn more business (on the more expensive one), it will be for the benefit of our planet.

Apple should, moreover, follow the blow and treat chargers in the same way.

This applies not only to Apple, but to all companies that deal with the production of electronics. All smaller or larger chargers with USB output and cables should be paid separately. Then, if someone really needs these accessories, they will be able to buy them, and the rest of the consumers will have a reason to bury in the drawer.

And if Apple wants to earn extra on the sale of faster chargers, which is probably why it only adds them to the most expensive smartphones on offer (and only since last year), it should show "courage" and cojones . I hope that after abandoning it, it will stop packing into boxes, it will stop selling these cubes with a meager power of 5 W.

After all, these ordinary Apple chargers haven't changed at all in a decade, which doesn't fit a company that promotes itself, quite rightly, as a guardian of ecology.

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iPhone 12 without headphones in the box? I say so definitely


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