Internet for free at Nju mobile - two packages of 9 GB each to be collected

Nju mobile gives away free transfer to its clients. We check how to activate two packages, thanks to which you can get 18 GB of mobile internet.

Mobile phone operators, due to the coronavirus pandemic, encourage their clients to sit at home and provide them with free mobile internet. This bonus package can be used, for example, to watch streaming video. It can also be useful when you need a multi-gigabyte video game for your console or computer.

Internet for free at Nju mobile

One of the Polish networks that provides free transfer is Nju mobile - a brand owned by Orange Polska. The operator has prepared a bonus package of 9 GB for customers, which each customer can activate twice.

The offer applies to both Nju subscription and pre-paid Nju tariffs. The promotion can be used between May 1 and May 31. Warning! In the case of offers for couples, the free package can be activated only on the main number, but both numbers will use it.

How to activate free 9 GB in Nju mobile?

In order to activate the package, one should send an SMS saying START to one of the free numbers. In the case of subscription Nju, it is number 80955, while customers who have chosen a prepaid offer should send this message to number 80855.

In the case of subscription to nju, it will be valid until the end of the billing period, and in the prepaid offer its validity is 31 days from the date of activation. The operator will inform by return SMS about the activation of the package for a given account.

Text messages will also be used to check the package status.

For this purpose, in the case of Nju subscription, it is enough to send an SMS with the text ILE to the number 80355, while in the Nju offer you have to send the same message to the number 80138. Sending such a message is free.

You just have to remember that because the 9 GB free packet can be activated twice, the return message will give the sum of gigabytes from both packets if the user activated two at once. This transfer also includes the 10 GB start promotion due to the promotion.

Internet for free in Nju mobile - two packages of 9 GB each can be collected


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