In 2021, Apple will change the world of electronics. Apple Glasses are coming - two models of AR glasses

apple ar glasses

Apple will not be the first company trying to introduce augmented reality into the mainstream. Its biggest competitors, however, have never scooped out of the trap of niche applications. This is the moment when I keep my fingers crossed for Apple.

Apple's glasses are reportedly on the right track to becoming a real market product. According to the information of Jon Prosser, who enjoys great authority, they will be on sale next year. It's even faster than predicted by Ming-Chi Kuo, a valued analyst specializing in watching the company from Cupertino. I must admit that I am waiting with great interest, keeping my fingers crossed.

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Imagine a world in which you no longer have to reach for the phone every now and then.

And I don't mean situations in which, being addicted to social media, we have to check likes and comments every now and then. Many of us use the telephone as a device to quickly receive relevant information. To navigate the city, check the business e-mail or quickly read the instructions for the gadget we are currently repairing - examples can be multiplied. Every time we have to reach for the smartphone system in your pocket ... what if the information we wanted was immediately visible in our field of view?

For example, Google and Microsoft engineers came from this assumption. Google Glass appeared on the market seven years ago, and Microsoft HoloLens three years later. Both devices were groundbreaking in their own way, providing completely new forms of interaction with the environment through electronics. Both were also successful only in specialized niches - Glass proved to be too primitive to interest a mass user, and HoloLens too uncomfortable and too expensive.

For today, the most popular equipment for augmented reality are ... mobile phones, which somewhat contradicts the whole idea of ​​getting rid of the device stuck to the palm of your hand. The augmented reality (AR) technique helps smartphone users in many situations - for example, allowing us to decorate our apartment with virtual furniture to check if they fit, showing us where we should turn looking for a given store or making it easier for us to catch another Pokemon.

One of the biggest promoters of augmented reality for the consumer market is Apple - and there are only empty declarations behind it. Successive versions of iPhones and iPads are equipped with increasingly smarter sensors in the camera , thanks to which these devices better understand the surrounding space, which allows them to more accurately impose virtual objects on the real environment.

Apple has been working for years on its counterpart Google Glass or HoloLens.

The effects are still not visible, but apparently for a reason. Apple's glasses are supposed to be light and comfortable looks that actually implement augmented reality technology - and not like HoloLens be a great device worn like a visor or offer a funny little screen in the corner like Google equipment.

Knowledge and experience in creating AR solutions for iPhones and iPads is to significantly help in this. We remind you that the latest iPad Pro is equipped with a LIDAR mechanism, so ... a device related to radars, but using laser light instead of microwaves. Everything to make AR work even better and more precisely.

What do we know about Apple Glasses?

Actually, the only certain information is that Apple is working on them. For the rest, a lot of information has already appeared from many sources - but often with insignificant credibility and mutually exclusive. Still, we will try to summarize the news from the most reliable informants.

These glasses - according to Kuo - will not be an independent device. Apple thinks of them as an extension of the functionality of the iPhone which seems like a very wise idea. This will not only allow the company to sell more phones, but also will allow you to transfer many conversions to the device in your pocket - and yet the less electronics directly on our head, the more convenient it will be to wear the equipment. Glasses management software is said to be called rOS - this is supposedly a simplified and specialized version of iOS.

Apple apparently is not working on the equipment alone. According to information published by DigiTimes, the company established cooperation with Valve - a company trying to popularize VR games on the PC platform - wanting to make its glasses not only offer usable value, but also that completely new forms of video games could be created.

According to some information, Apple is working on two types of devices. The first would be the above-mentioned glasses - light, easy to use and stylish, to be tested on the run. The second would be a set much less comfortable and much larger, reminiscent of Microsoft's HoloLens. This set would be stationary equipment, connected wirelessly (60 GHz WiGig) to the docking station and offering both AR and VR functionality. We know almost nothing about the latter device except for the rumor that both displays should work in 8K resolution.

I wish Apple success with all my heart.

When I put HoloLens on my head less than half a decade ago, I was forgiven - colloquialism - cut out of my slippers. As soon as I ran to write a report on Spider's Web , loudly shouting that this device will change the world of consumer computing, making the mobile phone become a very outdated device. I still think that this is the future we are striving for - but it seems more and more certain that Microsoft will not lead us to it.

Google and the Redmond giant mentioned above found customers for their devices. They are used by specialists who must have their hands free at all times and who must also have permanent access to information. Glass has been used by some customer service representatives, HoloLens went, among others, to car dealerships, drilling platforms or ... the International Space Station.

The time has come for us - ordinary greylags - to be able to start using augmented reality technology for something more than just arranging furniture from Ikea or making fun of catching more virtual creatures for Pokeball. I'm not an exaggerated Apple fan or enthusiast, but I honestly believe that it is this company like no other that is able to popularize AR for a mass customer. And I still believe that this will change the world of electronics - in a way incomparably more important than 120-hertz displays or bent, flexible hybrids.

In 2021, Apple will change the world of electronics. Apple Glasses are coming - two models of AR glasses


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