A bit of Note 10, a bit of Galaxy S20. This is what Samsung Galaxy Note 20 will look like

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 appeared on the CAD project, thanks to which we know its appearance. Get ready for a large lump and a protruding island of cameras.

We already know quite a lot about the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 20, and a summary of all reports has recently been prepared by Piotr Grabiec . This time we got to know the look of the smartphone due to a leak provided by a reliable source: Slash Leaks .

Galaxy Note 20

Samsung Galaxy Note 10 combined the features of Note 9 and Galaxy S10. It looks like Samsung will follow the same path in the case of Note 20. As for the body, we can expect a fairly angular structure with a giant screen that has been developed for years. This time it is supposed to have a diagonal of 6.87 inches, but it will be a regret supporting refresh at 120 Hz, as it is in the Galaxy S20.

The front camera will be located in the center of the upper part of the screen, as in the predecessor. The frames around the screen seem to be even narrower than a year ago, although in Note 10 they were only symbolic.

Galaxy Note 20

The side wall is very similar to the Samsung Galaxy S20. A thin strip of metal frame in a characteristic way expands in place of the buttons.

We know more and more about the Galaxy Note 20 camera.

Galaxy Note 20

The most new products are hidden behind the new camera island. The CAD design shows five holes, including most likely three lenses, a flash and the last element that may be hidden by an auxiliary sensor.

An island of cameras also leaked in the photo provided by Slash Leaks. It shows that of the three main lenses, one (placed lowest) has a periscope construction. This can be seen from the rectangular hole. There will be a mirror behind it reflecting the image by 90 degrees, to the sensor placed perpendicular to the housing.

samsung galaxy note 20

A similar lens was found, among others in Galaxy S20 Ultra. According to the latest reports, Note 20 will not, however, offer an approximation of the x100 image, which is good news.

Of course, don't take the S Pen.

It can also be seen on the CAD project. The premiere of the Galaxy Note 20 is to take place in August 2020.

A bit of Note 10, a bit of Galaxy S20. This is what Samsung Galaxy Note 20 will look like


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