Xiaomi puts on sale the new HIMO Z16, an economical folding bicycle with autonomy of up to 80Km

After adding the latest HIMO Z70 for sale, Xiaomi surprises us with an even cheaper version for sale on Youpin. We are talking about the new HIMO Z16 , a folding bike that maintains an autonomy of up to 80Km.

In detail, this new bicycle arrives at the Xiaomi crowdfunding platform under the manufacturer Shanghai Ximo Electric Technology as a somewhat cheaper alternative for those looking for a compact bicycle but with great autonomy.

The HIMO Z16 has a body made of aluminum alloy that together with its 20-inch wheels does not exceed 22.5 Kilograms in weight. Its exact measurements are 140x55x105cm and it is capable of supporting a load of up to 100Kg.

Xiaomi puts on sale the economical HIMO Z16, a folding bike with autonomy of up to 80Km. Xiaomi  News

Although its appearance and reduced dimensions can be misleading, its motor is capable of providing power of up to 250W, achieving a maximum speed of up to 25Km / h .

80Km of autonomy, disc brakes and LCD screen

Its lithium ion battery has a capacity of 10Ah and a nominal voltage of 36V. Its charging time is 5 hours, it guarantees a useful life of more than 650 cycles and it is totally protected inside the frame.

This is capable of granting a full-power autonomy of up to 55Km , 75Km at a maximum speed of 15Km / h or even 80Km if we use its low-power mode.

Xiaomi puts on sale the economical HIMO Z16, a folding bike with autonomy of up to 80Km. Xiaomi  News

Both 20-inch wheels have a disc brake . This guarantees a braking distance of 4 meters on dry ground, while on wet ground the braking distance increases to 6 meters.

Xiaomi puts on sale the economical HIMO Z16, a folding bike with autonomy of up to 80Km. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi puts on sale the economical HIMO Z16, a folding bike with autonomy of up to 80Km. Xiaomi  News Xiaomi puts on sale the economical HIMO Z16, a folding bike with autonomy of up to 80Km. Xiaomi  News

Next to its handlebar we find the electronic control system along with a small HD LCD type screen . In addition, for greater protection it has IPX7 certification against inclement weather.

Price and availability

The price of this new HIMO Z16 is only 2,499 yuan, about 328 euros to change and for now it is not expected to end up appearing on the international market.

More information at : Youpin

The Xiaomi entry puts the new HIMO Z16 for sale, an economical folding bicycle with autonomy of up to 80Km was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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