The new iMac with a larger screen in the same housing. There will be a 23-inch model

There is already a 21.5-inch iMac and 27-inch. Fortunately, it was considered that this small is too small and Apple is working to launch the 23-inch iMac. It is expected to debut this year.

When circuses with MacBook keyboards lasted for years, I came to the conclusion that Apple laptops need to be avoided from afar. At least until the situation calms down. That's why I decided to buy a 27-inch iMac, and I matched iPad Air with a Smart Keyboard case.

Next to the desk is the 21.5-inch iMac that my girlfriend is working on. She chose the smaller model because she still uses an external professional graphic monitor. When I sit down to her computer, the collision with the 21.5-inch screen is not easy for me. Only a few years ago this size made sense. But today? And in this price category? Customers have the right to expect something more.

Apple iMac (23 inches) in 2020

That's why I was happy twice when I found out that Apple is working on launching a new iMac with a 23-inch display.

The first time I was happy because iMac is not cheap, so customers should get a little more for this money than they currently receive. More inches, faster drives, more RAM. These are the basic changes that should be made. We now know that at least the first dream can come true in the fourth quarter of this year. Production of a new computer will start a quarter earlier and then probably more information about the new Apple computers will penetrate the network.

The second time I was happy when I learned that the 21.5-inch iMac and 23-inch iMac can be the same size. This would be done by reducing the thick black frames around the screens of current iMacs.

Personally, these frames do not particularly bother me. At work, a person focuses on what is displayed on the screen, not what is outside of it. But there is no doubt that the iMac with narrower frames will be able to look fresh and nice.

There has also been information that mini-LED technology may hit Apple screens with a delay. Of course, the COVID-19 epidemic, which disrupted the American manufacturer's supply chain, is to blame. Mini-LED displays are to appear, among others in iPad (regular, mini and Pro), MacBook Pro and iMacach Pro.

The new iMac with a larger screen in the same housing. There will be a 23-inch model


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