Spring sale of PS4 games

Spring sale in PS Store has started. PlayStation 4 owners can get a lot of great games for 59 and 79 zlotys per item.

It is hard to find a better opportunity to enlarge the collection of games on PlayStation 4. Spring sales in the PS Store can help us in times of social isolation. For little money we will get big games that will make the pandemic period a bit more enjoyable. A full list of all discounted titles can be found at this link . I recommend two groups of products from myself: good games for no more than PLN 59 and PLN 79 per piece. Here are my recommendations:

PS4 games no more than PLN 59: what's worth playing?

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in the GOTY edition (with all add-ons) is perfect at the beginning of my statement. If there is still a player who has not yet passed the best role-playing game of recent years, now he has a great opportunity to change it. These PLN 59 in exchange for a few dozen hours of fun at the highest level is a very good deal.

If you prefer to play together with household members, A Way Out is an interesting solution. This is a cooperative production for you and a companion. Together you will try to escape from prison by working in front of one TV set. A great idea, very good workmanship, a unique adventure. Worth it.

Assassin's Creed Origins is also available for PLN 59. The game is gigantic and is enough for weeks of fun. Ancient Egypt is also breathtaking. Despite a few years on the back of the neck, Origins is still one of the prettiest video games ever made. The open world lives its own life, and a walk through virtual Alexandria will be remembered for a long time.

In turn, I recommend Bloodborne to veterans and tough guys with an accessory in the set. The exclusive game for PS4 is without a doubt the best Dark Souls ever created. From Software has created a masterpiece to which no other game of this studio later came to level. The more I wonder why the world has still not heard about Bloodborne 2.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is the best fighting game of recent years. Despite the highly tournament nature of the title also has a very extensive campaign, which is enough for several days. FighterZ is constantly supported by new warriors, and the visual setting of this title is a real masterpiece. Best Dragon Ball license game since production for PlayStation 2.

DOOM for PLN 33 until you are asked to buy. This game hasn't grown old since its release. It's a great, brutal one-player adventure that will allow you to survive and de-stress after the mass of negative information in mass media. And those guitar riffs of Mick Gordon. It's definitely worth it.

Vampyr may not have been a godsend to the cRPG genre, but it's a very interesting position for fans of dialogues, choices and role play style development. For 59 PLN, it's hard to regret a purchase that is enough for many, many hours of gameplay. The life of the bloodsucker was presented here in a very interesting way, and our decisions irreversibly shape the world. I like it.

Games on PS4 not more than 79 PLN: what is worth playing?

For PLN 79 you will get a remake of Resident Evil 2 . Most horror fans agree: it's the best survival of recent years. It may not be as good as the cult original from 1998, but an adventure at the Raccoon City police station is a must for any fan of interactive horror movies.

The amazing God of War also costs 79 PLN in the spring promotion. We definitely recommend. This is one of the best exclusive games for PlayStation 4. Plus the best installment in the God of War series. Prettier, more mature, more interesting and more diverse than the productions that you can remember from the PlayStation 3 era. Absolute must have for every PS4 owner.

No Man's Sky is a beautiful example of the fact that every developer can redeem their sins and reward their sins. When No Man's Sky premiered, the title disappointed with the possibilities and limitations. However, after a series of additions and updates, the game is better than ever, and it allows you to create real miracles. Sensational space explorer. For this great game to de-stress.

You can find the full list of discounted spring sale titles here .

At the same time, Sony informs that over the next days the catalog of games covered by discounts will grow. Therefore, it is worth visiting the PS Store regularly, watching the new titles entering the promotional offer. I hope that I will be able to hunt for the latest season pass for Dragon Ball FighterZ at a really bargain price.

Spring sale of PS4 games


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