Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra: design flaw leads to camera glass breaking

Again there is trouble with the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra! Is there a blatant design flaw now? More and more users report problems with the camera glass.

Now users report that the camera glass on the back of the flagship breaks or jumps for no apparent reason. Apparently for no reason and without external influence, this phenomenon is said to have appeared among several users of the flagship.

In the meantime, the reports on the Samsung forum are piling up. And no one is said to have dropped the smartphone. On the contrary, some of the devices were actually "packed" in protective cases.

It should start with a crack in the camera glass, later the glass simply breaks. Problem: Samsung regards this damage as cosmetic and this is not covered by the guarantee. The users remain at the expense of the repair themselves. And that should be up to $ 400.

Samsung has not yet officially commented on this problem. And rumors are already starting to rumble that the problem could be a design flaw. This has not yet been confirmed because it only affected isolated users. Or maybe just the built-in batch of camera glass wasn't the best?

The post Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra: Design error leads to breaking camera glass first appeared on Xiaomist .


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