Samsung Galaxy Fold 2: This feature will be missing for all users

Samsung is reportedly working on the Galaxy Fold 2 . The South Korean company is expected to launch it with some improved features than the original Galaxy Fold .

Some information about the new functions of the next foldable smartphone from Samsung is now coming from South Korea . The color variants of the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 seem to be known. But apparently we have to say goodbye to one detail.

The report shows that the model should appear in two colors, Martian Green and Astro Blue. The two color variants were initially planned for the original Samsung Galaxy Fold. However, the company rejected the plan, instead it appeared in the colors Space Silver and Cosmos Black.

Samsung Galaxy Fold
Samsung Galaxy Fold (Source: Samsung)

The weight will apparently also be slimmed down properly. While the first generation weighed 260 grams, the successor is said to weigh only 229 grams.

But there will probably not be an important feature for the next foldable smartphone. So far it has always been speculated that the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 will be equipped with an S Pen. However, it can now be read that the next foldable Samsung phone will not be equipped with a pen.

Mass production of the Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 could start in mid-May. By June, the stocks are likely to be full. It is believed that Samsung plans to launch the Galaxy Fold 2 alongside the Galaxy Note 20 series in August . Then also in a cheaper model variant .

The post Samsung Galaxy Fold 2: This feature will be missing to all users first appeared on Xiaomist .


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