OnePlus officially confirms wireless charging

It took a long time, but in the past few weeks it had already indicated: OnePlus is finally relying on wireless charging!

Now, a week before the presentation of the upcoming OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro, it has finally been officially announced. Pete Lau has officially confirmed to The Verge that the new flagship will support wireless charging with 30 watts.

OnePlus Wireless Charger Rückseite
OnePlus Wireless Charger rear (source: OnePlus)

So you should be able to charge the OnePlus 8 by almost 50 percent in just under 30 minutes. There are also the appropriate accessories from the manufacturer, which will not be cheap.

You need the OnePlus Warp Charge 30 Wireless Charger for this, it should cost us just under 70 euros. If you do not want to charge so quickly, a simple Qi charging cradle will certainly suffice for that. Because the OnePlus 8 Pro is supposed to support the Qi standard, although it is based on a proprietary solution.

The OnePlus post officially confirms wireless charging first appeared on Xiaomist .


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