Notes is renewed in MIUI 12 by adding quick access to the task list from the home screen

In just 3 days Xiaomi will release MIUI 12 along with all its news . Meanwhile, the firm does not stop giving us small details such as the renewal that the MIUI Notes application will undergo.

And it seems that Xiaomi has completely renovated not only the interface of its Notes application, but also the overall operation of it. Now, its appearance will take a much more pleasant and intuitive design , allowing the creation of smart lists automatically.

In addition, the new Notes application will allow us to combine various task lists . In this way, with a simple glance we will be able to see all the tasks to be performed, even if they are part of totally different task lists.

Notes is renewed in MIUI 12 by adding quick access to the task list from the home screen. Xiaomi  News Notes is renewed in MIUI 12 by adding quick access to the task list from the home screen. Xiaomi  News

To-do list on the home screen itself

There is not everything, and it is that now we can access the task lists in a simpler way from the home screen itself. As the following GIF shows us, just by moving to the right a preview of the tasks to be performed will be displayed.

Notes is renewed in MIUI 12 by adding quick access to the task list from the home screen. Xiaomi  News

Without a doubt, a quite useful shortcut that not only shows us the minimalism, simplicity and productivity that Xiaomi has integrated into MIUI 12 , but also, the most likely goodbye to APP Vault .

The Notes entry is renewed in MIUI 12 by adding quick access to the task list from the home screen was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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