Huawei P40 series uses Samsung OLED displays

Samsung Display is the largest and best-known manufacturer of OLED panels for smartphones worldwide. The company supplies OLED displays for hundreds of smartphone models, including those from Apple, Huawei, OnePlus, OPPO, Realme, Vivo and Xiaomi. The recently launched Huawei P40 series also uses Samsung OLED panels.

According to a report by the South Korean trade journal TheElec , Huawei only uses Samsung OLED screens in the P40 Pro +. The P40 Pro uses displays from the Chinese company BOE and the Korean companies LG Display and Samsung Display. Huawei's P40 only uses BOE OLED screens.

Huawei P40 Pro test
Huawei P40 Pro Test (Source: Schmidtis Blog)

This shows that Huawei prefers Samsung OLED panels on most of its premium smartphones, which could be due to Samsung's higher quality and better supply chain.

Huawei has thus won 3 display manufacturers for its P40 series. Not only the quality and the price played a role here, but also possible boycotts of the USA. So you can always fall back on another manufacturer in an emergency.

The post Huawei P40 series uses Samsung OLED displays first appeared on Xiaomist .


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