Huawei P40 and P40 Pro now available

Huawei has preferred to launch its new flagship P40 and P40 Pro. The smartphones are now available in German retail from April 8th.

Actually, the Huawei P40 and P40 Pro should not be available until the beginning of May. However, the pre-order campaign continues until May 1, 2020. But the devices are now much earlier.

Huawei P40 Pro Test
Huawei P40 Pro (Source: Schmidtis Blog)

The models are already in stock in the Huawei online shop and various other online retailers, from April 8th they should be delivered to customers.

Officially, both Huawei P40 and P40 Pro should only be available on May 2nd. However, the availability date has now been moved forward significantly. Nice for all interested customers.

So if you are interested in the Huawei P40 or P40 Pro and the EUR 799.00 or EUR 999.00, you can pre-order the models and maybe hold them in your hands tomorrow.

Buy Huawei P40 and P40 Pro in the online shop

The post Huawei P40 and P40 Pro now available first appeared on Xiaomist .


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