Even better than that of the iPhone 11 Pro Max, the screen of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is ranked as the best on the market

One of the biggest attractions that we can find in the new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is its screen, a 6.67-inch AMOLED panel manufactured by Samsung, which in addition to its high refresh rate and sampling has certain characteristics that make it unique.

Without going any further, each Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is adjusted before leaving the factory in order to make the colors of your screen as realistic as possible. As a result, the panel of this terminal reaches JNCD values <0.55 and Delta E <1.11, making it one of the leading smartphones in color accuracy.

Not only has Xiaomi said it, but also, Soomal, in his latest screen evaluation report made to the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, has classified it as the best on the market, ahead of even other terminals such as the Apple iPhone 11 Pro or the OnePlus 7 Pro .

Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, the best screen that we can see on a smartphone

As we can read in the analysis carried out by Soomal, the AMOLED screen of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro presents in general a better brightness, a better appearance in color and a better contrast than what we found in the AMOLED panel incorporated in the previous Xiaomi Mi 9.

The screen of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is listed as the best on the market. Xiaomi  News The screen of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is listed as the best on the market. Xiaomi  News

In addition, Soomal adds that the color calibration that has been carried out at the factory to the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is highly accurate . Its sRGB color gamut meets standards with brilliant, rich colors.

In conclusion and comparing it with the OnePlus 7 Pro, one of the leading smartphones in this section, the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro dominates the OnePlus device not only with a more intense brightness but also with much more realistic colors that give rise to a terminal that could be used professionally .

Source | Soomal

The entry Better even than that of the iPhone 11 Pro Max, the screen of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is listed as the best on the market was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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