Despite its price, the Xiaomi Mi 10 has been a success with more than 1 million units sold

Beyond its price, the new Xiaomi Mi 10 have managed to position themselves among the most complete high-end smartphones on the market. Also, surprising as it may seem, its price has turned out to be quite attractive compared to its competition.

So much so, that its sale has been a success in China, achieving, according to the own data provided by Lei Jun, accumulating more than 1 million sales since the beginning of its reservation in the Asian country.

In addition, according to several analysts, in February, the reserves of the Xiaomi Mi 10 in February amounted to a chilling figure of 490,000 units , a rather surprising figure considering that its price is quite high compared to previous generations.

A success that could be repeated in Europe

Meanwhile, in Europe for now we can only book it through Amazon and other official channels. And, it will not be until tomorrow April 22 when the new bet by Xiaomi to conquer the high-end is finally released.

6 curiosities of the new Xiaomi Mi 10 that you probably did not know

For now, the first analyzes and comparisons with other models such as the OnePlus 8 or the latest Smasung Galaxy, seem to denote a certain preference for the Xiaomi Mi 10.

Still, it will not be until about a month when we see the first cumulative sales figures for the Xiaomi Mi 10 and Mi 10 in Spain and in general, throughout Europe. And you, have you already booked your Xiaomi Mi 10 or are you waiting for another model?

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The entry Despite its price, the Xiaomi Mi 10 has proved to be a success with more than 1 million units sold. It was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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