Bing will eventually be useful to Windows users. It s about wallpaper

surface laptop 3 impressions

Bing is hardly any competition for Google Search, at least in Poland. But thanks to this new, official app we will use its great advantage in Windows: the wonderful and beautiful Bing Images of the Day.

Microsoft Bing in the United States is reportedly a very good search engine, which is a sensible alternative to the analogous Google service and a reasonable competition for it. Perhaps. In Poland, however, this is a very defective service, which not only poorly indexes Polish-language pages, but in addition its additional functions are at a level several classes lower than Google. In principle, I use Bing only to search for graphics with a specific resolution - for reasons I don't understand, this elementary function cannot be found on Google.

bing wallpaper of the day windows

On my phone, however, Bing is of great importance. It has nothing to do with usability, but I'm addicted to it there. I have an app on my smartphone that synchronizes the wallpaper of my phone with the image of Bing Day. Thanks to this, the phone greets me with a new and almost always beautiful desktop every day.

Picture of the day Bing from now officially also for Windows.

The visual distinguishing feature of the Bing search engine is its daily wallpaper. Every day, when we visit her home page, we will see a new, beautiful photo. The theme is usually landscapes and architecture. Each one has a description of the curiosity it presents. Bing may be useless as a search engine, but his Picture of the Day is a very nice idea that is well run.

For some strange reason, until now there was no official method of synchronizing Windows wallpaper with that of Bing. There were independent apps for this, but I'm not surprised at people who didn't want to trust creations from entities they didn't know. However, Microsoft finally released the official tool after so many years. You can download them at this address . Attention, during installation we will be asked if we want Bing as the default search engine and homepage in our web browser - probably not, so do not give inadvertent consent.

bing windows wallpaper

The tool is very simple. Simple enough that its only drawback - the lack of the Polish language version of the interface - should not be severe. Apka doesn't even have its own window. After installation, it appears in the form of an icon in the tray. After clicking on it, we can go back to any of the previous wallpapers or find out what the currently displayed one shows. There are no further functions

bing windows wallpaper

A trifle I know. It may be trivial and not very clever, but I'm just very happy about the daily new wallpaper on the phone, because it's always a very successful photo that is nice to look at. So if they are still similar to me here, then from today the same and safe way is possible on Windows. Only ... why so late?

Bing will eventually be useful to Windows users. It's about wallpaper


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