Żabka delivers. The network is testing two ways to shop online

Żabka follows the route set by the competition and adds traditional online shopping to Żabka, which is already being tested. Order and pick up.

We live in strange times, when a visit to the store is one of the most dangerous (because of the virus) and most stressful (because of the queues) actions that we take throughout the week. Stores that don't want to lose customers have to deal with this challenge somehow. Żabka has two ideas.

The frog home is being tested in Poznań.

A novelty is the Żabka do domu service, which works as a standard ordering shopping with delivery to a given address . Her tests start in selected stores located in the center of Poznań. You can order house errands at home only for the website sklep.zabka.pl , but you will also be able to use the hotline soon.

Purchases will be made by the Żabka closest to the destination address. The company promises that the order will reach us very quickly and its delivery will take "usually under an hour". Purchases for more than PLN 80 will be delivered free of charge, you will have to pay PLN 5 extra for cheaper ones.

The following Żabki participate in the tests:

Powstańców Wielkopolskich 14a, Piekary 12, 3rd Maja 47, Saint. Marcin 45, 23 Lutego 2 / Plac Cyryla Ratajskiego 9, Gwarna 6, Wyspiańskiego 22 / Ułańska 2, E. Drużbackiej 1/1, Wojskowa 1 lok. 69, E. Orzeszkowej 2, Rynek Łazarski 2, Głogowska 54 place 1, Głogowska 65, Strusia 5, Stablewskiego 16, Hetmańska 55a LOK. 3, Niegolewskich 11, Staszica 4, Kościelna 31, MYLNA 32/34 room S3, Wawrzyniaka 28/30, Zwierzyniecka 28 room U13, Zwierzyniecka 32 LOC. 39, Henryka Dąbrowskiego 35/37, Sienkiewicza 20, Prusa 2, Kraszewskiego 3 LOK. 4, Jackowskiego 43 lok. U-1, Mickiewicza 19, Kościelna 12-14.

Order and pick up at Żabka in Warsaw.

In the capital, the company has been testing the Order and pick up service since the beginning of April. Customers can use it to add purchases to the basket in the Żappka application , and employees of the store they choose will collect them and pack them accordingly. This minimizes the time the customer spends shopping and the number of people hanging around the store in a hopeless attempt to find yeast. The person using this function only needs to go to the selected store, pick up what he ordered and pay on site for the victuals of his choice.

The store announces that testing the service will last a few weeks. For now, you can try it in Warsaw in the following stores:

Kowalczyk 9 room 9D, Sokratesa 9 lok. U8, Jana Kazmierza 33A lok. U6, street Polonaise 87 LOC. U2, Rzeczypospolitej 10/42 and 43, Bluszczańska 67, Melomanów 10 / 6U, Łucka 18 Śliska 3 / 1u, Chłodna 11, Milenijna 45G / U1, Al. Jerozolimskie 136, Burakowska 16, Rejtana 17, KEN 57, Lechicka 14, BURAKOWSKA 16, NOWOLIPKI 14., POSAG 7 PANIEN 12 LOC. U2, Płocka 5A, Pruszków, Ceramic 16.

Żabka delivers. The network is testing two ways to shop online


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