Your phone in Windows 10 is even better. Now with convenient gestures and wallpaper from your smartphone

windows 10 how to call

The slightly improved version of the Your Phone application tested for several weeks has been moved to the production channel. You will recognize it by the wallpaper from your phone, which is now part of its interface.

Your phone is an application provided with Windows 10 to integrate our phone with our computer. If we have an iPhone, it will be of little use, but if we have an Android phone, your phone will allow us to:

  • Displaying notifications from the phone, including in the system Action Center, with the ability to respond to them
  • Sending and receiving SMSs and MMSs
  • Downloading photos from your phone
  • Displaying the contents of the phone screen
  • Making and downloading voice calls

And now the application is getting a bit prettier and slightly more comfortable.

Your phone in Windows 10 - now with wallpaper in the interface and touch dismiss notifications.

windows 10 your phone wallpaper

The first of the news is the introduction of wallpaper from the phone to the application interface. The side menu of the app is now semi-transparent - according to the Microsoft Fluent Design - hiding the wallpaper from our phone underneath. The change is not useful in any way, but visually pleasing, emphasizing the deep degree of integration of our phone and computer.

windows 10 your phone wallpaper

The second is the ability to reject notifications by touch gestures. It is possible from the very beginning within the Action Center - where most probably most of us check all notifications - but now the same horizontal gestures also work within the app itself.

The new version of your phone has already hit 50 percent. users of the production version of Windows, according to Microsoft. Others are to receive it in the coming days.

Your phone in Windows 10 is even better. Now with convenient gestures and wallpaper from your smartphone


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