Same, but different, but the same. Here is the new Microsoft controller for the Xbox Series X console

No revolution was found. Ba, you have to grab a magnifying glass to see the natural evolution. At first glance, the Microsoft controller for the Xbox Series X looks exactly the same as the one for the Xbox One. Why change something that is good?

Microsoft's Xbox One controller succeeded. It is a bit too large, its surface is not overly pleasant to the touch, but the balance of pros and cons definitely speaks in favor of raining. Therefore, it is not surprising that the next version of the device differs only slightly from its predecessor.

This is the Microsoft controller for the Xbox Series X console.

One of the visible changes is the additional system button under the glowing Xbox logo. With it, we will share screenshots and gameplay clips in a similar way as using the share button on the DualShock 4 controller for PlayStation 4. Sony showed great acumen by adding its button in 2013. Later Nintendo did. Now a dedicated button for sharing content is introduced by Microsoft.

Of course, the ability to record and share your own content is possible on Xbox One consoles now. Unfortunately, to take a screenshot or record a clip, we must quickly press the Xbox button on the controller. Then we get to the system overlay that distracts us from the game. If the new way of saving content resembles that of PS4, Microsoft will significantly improve the recording and sharing functions.

The cross was also replaced. The directional tray returns.

The directional tray in the Xbox 360 controller was awful. Nightmarish. Her low precision has become legendary. Because of this, the Xbox One controller received a classic directional cross, which was a plus change. Now Microsoft is back in the directional tray again. Is that a mistake? Fortunately, not necessarily.

The creators of Xbox have already proven that they have learned a lesson from failure and have learned to create better, more precise trays. Such was found, for example, in the capital controller Elite. If the new pad is a direct development of that tray, I'm not worried about the quality of the directional buttons. I also like the very concave nature of this element, which can provide additional confidence and precision. I can't wait for my own tests.

The Wireless Controller is slightly narrower and has better handles.

The two handles on which our hands are clamped have been slightly slimmed down. It's a very good decision. The narrower grips worked great for the fourth DualShock and the Nintendo Pro Controller. Thanks to the smaller grips, the controller fits better in small hands, and it is more convenient for children to play their favorite games. On the other hand, the thumb spacing changes so little that we basically lose nothing on the precision of the analogues.

The massiveness of the Xbox controller was one of its major drawbacks. Microsoft shows that it is fully aware of this, introducing appropriate corrections to the well-known and liked body. Thanks to this, the Wireless Controller will be even better, and also more affordable for younger generation players. Only advantages, basically no disadvantages.

USB-C, device memory and faster wireless connection

A very good direction is expected when choosing the USB-C socket. USB-C cables are an increasingly common solution that is already standard in the world of smartphones and laptops. The USB-C interface is the foundation of the Nintendo Switch and it will be similar in the case of PS5. The fact that all the leading console manufacturers use the same standard is a great convenience for players. And hey: we'll charge the controller faster.

I really liked that Microsoft's wireless controller will keep in memory not one, but several paired devices. If we can easily and smoothly switch between the connection to the console, a computer with Windows 10 and iPad, I will be delighted. I miss something like that on the market. It is worth adding that thanks to Bluetooth Low Energy, developers promise easier, more reliable connection with mobile devices on iOS and Android.

At the same time, Microsoft boasts that the wireless signal delay will be less than ever before. It will be possible thanks to the Dynamic Latency Input (DLI) technology working on the pad - console - HDMI 2.1 - display line. The information generated by the controller is sent at a higher frequency, and packets adapt to the number of frames per second. This allows you to cut down another millisecond delay, so important during online games.

Backward compatibility and more pleasant surface.

Microsoft assures that the new Wireless Controller will work with Xbox One consoles, while the older version is raining will work with the new Xbox X Series. This means that even when buying an XSX with one controller in the set, we will immediately play a co-op on a split screen. Just pull the older pad from the drawer for XONE and give it to the other household member. Very consumer-friendly behavior.

I am also happy that Microsoft will lay out the handles with a different version of the material, and will also add a slightly matte surface. The case falls for the Xbox One is very uncomfortable to my touch. Uncomfortably rough at the back, too empty and plastic at the front. This is of course a purely subjective assessment, but it seems that I am not alone in it, since Microsoft introduces changes and corrections in this field.

New Wireless Controller vs competitive DualShock 5.

Microsoft chose safe and insignificant evolution. The company refrained from radical moves and bold ideas. In the case of PlayStation 5 is a bit different. Sony is actively investigating the capabilities of the new controller. This one looks like the fourth DualShock, while offering a completely new, completely revolutionary experience.

DualShock 5 is to be the first controller replacing simple vibration with an advanced, diverse haptic language. Previously, Nintendo tried to move in this direction with the help of Joy-Cons, but these small devices do not have the right capabilities to fully develop the potential behind the haptic. DualShock is different. Using it is intended to be a clear step into a new era of control tools. At the same time, Sony is experimenting with the depth of the triggers, variable resistance generated by buttons and measurements of the player's heart rate and sweating.

Two completely different philosophies. Two completely different pads. But I can't wait to compare them.

Same, but different, but the same. Here is the new Microsoft controller for Xbox Series X


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