NASA suspends work on SLS rocket due to coronavirus

NASA suspends work on building and testing the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and capsule that would take people to the moon's surface as part of the Artemis mission. The reason for suspension is of course the growing number of coronavirus infections.

An American space agency has announced the closure of the factory in Michoud, where the SLS rocket and the nearby Stennis Space Center are being built.

The reason for closing the Center is the increasing number of COVID-19 infections in the community of residents of the center area, the number of cases of self-isolation and one confirmed case of infection among employees. For this reason, NASA has decided to suspend work on the construction and testing of SLS and Orion - says Jim Bridenstine, NASA administrator.

The Space Launch System is a powerful rocket that will be able to deliver astronauts to the moon or beyond when completed.

Considering that the current schedule for the implementation of the manned return to the moon program was very tight and optimistic, it can be safely stated that the vision of a manned flight in 2024 will remain an unfulfilled wish.

Manned return to the moon is the first element of the Artemis program, as part of which scientists plan to create a long-term colony on the moon, where the technologies necessary to carry out manned flights to Mars in the 1930s will be tested.

NASA suspends work on SLS rocket due to coronavirus


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